the talking mycorrhiza


Selasa, 26 Februari 2013



At the Agricutural Experimental Station of Padjadjaran University of Bandung, West Java, a certain species of fungi which doesn’t cause any plant diseases was intentionally infected to mungbean seeds.
The infections were conducted by means of mixing the seeds with spore-carrier soil. The seeds then were dibbled in the ground with  pointed sticks  at time of mungbean planting. This kind of fungi is called mycorrhiza fungi.  The spore-carrier soil was mixture of mycorrhiza-infected corn roots and spore-laden soil from the corn field.  
Spherical spores found in the carrier soil and vesicles released from chopped infected corn roots are mycorrhiza “seeds”. (Siti Djasmara, 1995) 


UPPER ROW Left: Mungbean root tissue without mycorrhiza vesicle.  
Right: Corn root tissue not infected by mycorrhiza
LOWER ROW Left:Mycorrhiza vesicle in the mungbean root tissue.  
Right: In the corn root tissue. 
Photography by: Siti Djasmara/ Jonas. Magnification 400 x.

Moist soils caused mungbean seeds absorb water and swell and then roots grow. At the same time mycorrhiza spores absorbed water also and were swollen too and  broken and then hyphae grow from it.
Hyphae, something like fine thread structures  grew from those mycorrhiza “seeds”. Mycorrhiza often cooperating with higher class plants. Mycorrhiza can "smell" where the plant roots are.
In the efforts to make contact with mungbeans, the limited mycorrhiza’s energy has to be adequate to reach mungbean root hairs. For that reason Lord the Most Merciful has given capabilities for mycorrhiza to “smell” moisture excreted by mungbean roots and move to that directions. The capability to "smell" are biochemical and physical sciences. 
When the growing hyphae were in contact with mungbean hairy roots, both the mungbean and the mycorrhiza “communicate” to each other, telling each other that they are friends.
The “language” between mungbean and mycorrhiza are biochemical and physical reactions between the two that have been programmed in the ribonucleic acid (RNA) and  deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of both creatures.
DNA is something like a very tiny “computer chip”  with programs to manage biological organism life. He the Supreme Creator has inserted hundred millions of program-laden computer chips into each of  mungbean cell nucleus and also hundred millions of  another chips into each mycorrhiza cell nucleus.     
As a result of this cooperation, mycorrhizal hyphae are allowed to penetrate between  mungbean hairy root cells. Touched by the hyphae, mungbean root cell walls grow thinner so that  interchanges of nutritional compounds  between the two creatures take place more easily.   
Mycorrhiza absorbed nutrients in the soil and siphoned some portions of it to mungbean tissues.  Mungbean assimilate CO2 and H2O in their chlorophylled leaves with the sunshine as a catalyst to produce glucose and flowed some of its liquid glucose to mycorrhiza. This cooperation is called mutualistic symbiose. 
Mycorrhiza cannot produce its own food because it has no chlorophylls nor leaves,  lives in the dark under the soil, and nobody see or care about its existence,   turn out to be thriving because it received  nutrients from mungbean. 

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) who was illiterate and couldn't write, spoke the word of  Allah (Glory Is To Allah) : 

There is no moving creatures on earth but its sustenance dependeth on God. He knoweth the time and place of its definite abode and its temporary deposit. All in a clear Book 1)

The Koran,Huud (11):6

1) Lauh Mahfuzh is a place or a “book” where shapes, characteristics, fates of all creatures (living or dead matters) and things are kept and recorded. Very small portion of Lauh Mahfuzh contents have been known by Man in the form of Knowledge. The rests are still not known.

It has been more than 500 million years since higher plants were created, mycorrhiza a kind of fungi which had evolved to cooperate with higher plants receiving glucose from many species of plants live in the tropical and subtropical forests, savannas, grasslands and semi deserts and everywhere in this case receiving glucose from mungbean.  
How long is 500 million years can be imagined by comparing that the arrival of Adam and Eve possibly only 12,000 years ago. 
  Sardjono Angudi   
   09/2010 revised 02/2023

Personal discussions with Siti Djasmara.
Qur'an, Indonesian Translation, TNI AD, 1994.

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